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1. I experienced good/poor customer care. 2. Marks & Spencer as a major retailer. 3. Are you loyal to any brands? Which ones? Why? 4. Presentation of a multinational company. 5. Competition today. 6. Planning a business trip. 7. Cultural differences between Serbian and British people. 8. A SWOT analysis of a company. 9. My favourite company. 10. My favourite brand. 11. My opinion of women car buyers. 12. Why do you think troubleshooting is so important in business? 13. Do you have any tips for solving problems? 14. When you put pressure on a project you create problems. Agree? Disagree? 15. Advantages/disadvantages of disposable products. 16. Company history. 17. The Internet as a ‘retail outlet’. 18. Retailing in Serbia. 19. Shopping habits in Serbia. 20. Advantages/disadvantages of shopping on the Internet. 21. USPs of my favourite product. 22. How important is a good advertisement when selling a product? 23. Compare two similar products. 24. Product presentation. 25. What gives you a job satisfaction? 26. Male and female management styles. 27. The company should pay suppliers on time. Give your opinion. 28. Is ‘naming and shaming’ a good strategy to make big companies pay on time? 29. Importance of environment protection in business. 30. What tactics do companies use to increase sales? Your seminar paper should be 300-500 words long. The deadline for submitting the paper is the 31st of December. Lecturer Nikola Dobric