On Tuesday, March 14th, 2017 Novi Sad Business School would be honoured to welcome master economist and an authorized accountant Ivan Cerdic who will hold a guest lecture on the topic
A Tale Told by an Entrepreneur
In 2011, Ivan completed master studies at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Novi Sad at the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance. From January 2014, Ivan is the co-owner of Libra office IBSM plc., where he works as an accounting and tax consultant.
At the very beginning of a lecture, Ivan will talk about the process of studying, how to determine our personal priorities, how to find out what really fills us and what we want to do in life and how to prepare ourselves for our future job. After that, Ivan will share his experience of searching for job and working at various positions in a number of companies.
The most important part of the lecture will certainly be the story about Ivan's business venture. Find out how he came up with the idea to run his own business, what are the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship, what is the difference between a profession and business, how to learn to focus on your qualities.
Ivan's story will surely help you to set your goals high and proceed immediately to their implementation.