
ERASMUS+ Inter- institutional agreements


  1. UJA University of Jaen, Spain
  2. Istanbul Aydın University, Turkey
  3. Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia
  4. ISAG European Business School, Portugal
  5. Andrzey Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Poland
  6. ITS- Institute of Tourism Studies, Malta
  7. MCAST – The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology, Malta
  8. MLI- Malta Leadership Institute, Malta
  9. Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University, Turkey
  10. RRIF- Visoka škola za financijski menadžment, Croatia
  11. Visoka poslovna škola Zagreb, Croatia
  12. Veleučilište u Rijeci, Croatia
  13. PAR Visoka poslovna škola, Croatia
  14. Libertas Sveučilište, Croatia
  15. Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Business, Turkey
  16. Hochschule Nordhausen University of applied Sciences, Nordhausen (Germany)
  17. GEA College, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
  18. Università degli Studi di Trieste, Trieste (Italia)
  19. Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe (Germany)
  20. Visoka šola za računovodstvo in finance, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
  21. Moravská vysoká škola Olomouc, Olomuc (Czech Republic)
  22. Fakulteta za organizacijske študije, Novo Mesto (Slovenija)
  23. UNIWERSYTET GDANSKI, Gdanjsk (Poljska)
  24. University “St. Kliment Ohridski”- Bitola Faculty of Economics – Prilep, Prilep (North Macedonia)
  25. Virovitica University of Applied Sciences, Virovitica, Croatia
  26. University of Slavinski Brod, Slavinski Brod, Croatia







Kutaisi International University, Kutaisi, Gruzija (Georgia)


Univerzitet Mediteran, Podgorica, Crna Gora (Montenegro)


COMENIUS University in Bratislava, Slovakia

Faculty of Management

Type of agreement: Erasmus+ Inter-institutional agreement


RRIF College of Financial management – Zagreb, Croatia

Type of agreement: Bilateral Institutional Academic Cooperation (cooperation on academic level through exchange of students, teaching and administrative staff and internships, collaboration in research, exchange of information’s about scientific achievements’, and disseminations of the research results), Erasmus+ Inter-institutional agreement.


PAR University College – Rijeka, Croatia

Type of agreement: Bilateral Institutional Academic Cooperation (cooperation on academic level through exchange of students, teaching and administrative staff and internships, collaboration in research, exchange of information’s about scientific achievements’, and disseminations of the research results), Erasmus+ Inter-institutional agreement.


Zagreb School of Business – Zagreb, Croatia

Type of agreement: Bilateral Institutional Academic Cooperation (cooperation on academic level through exchange of students, teaching and administrative staff and internships, collaboration in research, exchange of information’s about scientific achievements’, and disseminations of the research results), Erasmus+ Inter-institutional agreement.


Polytechnic of Rijeka – Rijeka, Croatia

Type of agreement: Bilateral Institutional Academic Cooperation (cooperation on academic level through exchange of students, teaching and administrative staff and internships, collaboration in research, exchange of information’s about scientific achievements’, and disseminations of the research results), Erasmus+ Inter-institutional agreement.


VERN University – Zagreb, Croatia

Type of agreement: Bilateral Institutional Academic Cooperation (cooperation on academic level through exchange of students, teaching and administrative staff and internships, collaboration in research, exchange of information’s about scientific achievements’, and disseminations of the research results).


LIBERTAS International University – Zagreb, Croatia

Type of agreement: Bilateral Institutional Academic Cooperation (cooperation on academic level through exchange of students, teaching and administrative staff and internships, collaboration in research, exchange of information’s about scientific achievements’, and disseminations of the research results).


BALTAZAR- University of Applied Sciences – Zapresic, Croatia

Type of agreement: Bilateral Institutional Academic Cooperation (cooperation on academic level through exchange of students, teaching and administrative staff and internships, collaboration in research, exchange of information’s about scientific achievements’, and disseminations of the research results).


Краковская Академия им. Анджея Фрыча Моджевского

Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University – Poland

Type of agreement: Bilateral Institutional Academic Cooperation (cooperation on academic level through exchange of students and teaching staff, collaboration in research, exchange of information’s about scientific achievements’, and disseminations of the research results).


Višja strokovna šola DOBA Maribor

Higher business sc hool of vocational studies DOBA Maribor – Slovenia

Type of agreement: Bilateral Institutional Academic Cooperation (cooperation on academic level through exchange of students, teaching and administrative staff and internships, collaboration in research, exchange of information’s about scientific achievements’, and disseminations of the research results).


Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije Center za poslovno usposabljanje – Višja strokovna šola, Slovenia Chamber of Commerce – Higher vocational school for business training

Type of agreement: Bilateral Institutional Academic Cooperation (cooperation on academic level through exchange of students, teaching and administrative staff and internships, collaboration in research, exchange of information’s about scientific achievements’, and disseminations of the research results).


Visoka škola za menadžment u turizmu i informatici – Virovitica

Higher school for management and informatics in Virovitica

Type of agreement: Bilateral Institutional Academic Cooperation (cooperation on academic level through exchange of students, teaching and administrative staff and internships, collaboration in research, exchange of information’s about scientific achievements’, and disseminations of the research results).


City College in Norwich – England

Type of agreement: Bilateral Institutional Academic Cooperation (cooperation on academic level through exchange of students, teaching and administrative staff and internships, collaboration in research, exchange of information’s about scientific achievements’, and disseminations of the research results).


Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg,  Berufsakademie

Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University – Germany

Tupe of agrement: Bilateral Institutional Cooperation agreement (cooperation on academic and administrative level through exchange of students, teaching and administrative staff and internships).


Southeast Europe Enterprise Development

Type of agreement: Partnership agreement (education of teaching staff for development and realization of the lifelong learning programme for entrepreneurs)


Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Институт проблем управления им. В. А. Трапезникова Российской академии наук

  1. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences – Russia

Type of agreement: Bilateral Institutional Academic Cooperation (cooperation on academic and administrative level through exchange of students and teaching and administrative staff , exchange of literature, collaboration in research, exchange of information’s about scientific achievements’, and publication of literature).


Санкт – Петербургскии государственнњи политеxническии университет

Saint Petersburg University – Russia

Type of agreement: Bilateral Institutional Academic Cooperation (cooperation on academic and administrative level through exchange of students, teaching and administrative staff and internships, collaboration in research, exchange of information’s about scientific achievements’, and disseminations of the research results).


Евразийский открытый институт

Eurasian Open Institute-Moscow – Russia

Type of agreement:  Bilateral Institutional Academic Cooperation (cooperation on academic and administrative level through exchange of students, teaching and administrative staff and internships, collaboration in research, exchange of information’s about scientific achievements’, and disseminations of the research results).


Костромской Государственный Университет им. Х.А. Некрасова

Nekrasov Kostroma State University – Russia

Type of agreement:  Bilateral Institutional Academic Cooperation (cooperation on academic and administrative level through exchange of students, teaching and administrative staff and internships, collaboration in research, exchange of information’s about scientific achievements’, and disseminations of the research results).


Пензенский государственный университет

Penza State University – Russia

Type of agreement: Bilateral Institutional Academic Cooperation (cooperation on academic and administrative level through exchange of students, teaching and administrative staff and internships, collaboration in research, exchange of information’s about scientific achievements’, and disseminations of the research results).






Memberships in international organisations


Knowledge Economy Network

ALADIN – Alpe Adria Initiative Universitie Network

Southeast Europe Enterprise Development

Nice Network



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