International Journal of Economic Practice and Policy
The International Journal of Economic Practice and Policy is a scientific journal dedicated to publishing previously unpublished scientific and research papers and professional and review articles in economics and organizational sciences. The journal aims to contribute to promoting and developing science, professional expertise, scientific research, and higher education, thus fulfilling its scientific, research, educational, and social role.
The International Journal of Economic Practice and Policy has been published continuously since 2004, previously under the name School of Business. Since 2016, it has been published only in electronic form, twice a year as an openaccess journal, so all its content is available free of charge to a wide range of users. The manuscripts are submitted in Word through SCIndeks Assistant, available to all interested authors within the journal page in SCIndeks. During the editing, a double-blind peer-review process is applied. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors. They do not reflect the opinions or views of the editor-in-chief or editorial board members, but the authors assume legal and moral responsibility for the ideas presented in their papers.
All the papers published in the International Journal of Economic Practice and Policy are checked for plagiarism using CrossCheck, i.e., iThenticate via the SCIndex Assistant service. iThenticate is the only tool for detecting plagiarism in scientific journals with satisfactory effectiveness. The editorial board of the International Journal of Economic Practice and Policy uses SCIndeks Assistant service called Policy&Licencing Support System (P&LSS) to ensure full compliance of its policies with international publishing standards and good practices. All published journal volumes are archived in the digital repository of the National Library of Serbia and deposited in the primary full-text journal repository – SCIndeks. The journal is indexed in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals). Considered an international certificate for the validity and legitimacy of OA (Open Access) journals, DOAJ stands for quality control and monitoring. Indexing in DOAJ provides a higher level of trust and enhances the visibility of both the papers and authors.
Main Publisher:
Novi Sad School of Business, Novi Sad
Vladimira Perića Valtera 4, 21 000 Novi Sad
Tel.: (021) 485–4004
Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade
Volgina 15 11 000 Belgrade
Tel.: (011) 697–2858
Jelena Damnjanović, PhD
Research Associate, Professor,
Novi Sad School of Business, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia
All the articles published in the International Journal of Economic Practice and Policy are available in full on the following pages:
ISSN (Online) 2812-7315