The main objective of the course is to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of all aspects of business operations. In this sense, the theoretical goal is to understand the essence of the concept of enterprise, the legality of its functioning and its relationship with the environment. The practical goal is to acquire knowledge and skills that are a prerequisite for successful corporate governance. The objective of the course is that students after the learning process learn to define the theoretical basics of enterprise economics, analyse the legal and organizational aspects of a company, apply basic cost modeling, explain and analyse the basic economic principles, and choose on concrete examples the adequate strategy of enterprise development.
By completing the learning process in the course Business Economics, students will be able to:
• understand the purpose and goals of an enterprise, its place and role in the socio-economic environment,
• identify the internal and external factors that affect the consumption of the elements of production and the costs of doing business,
• identify relevant factors and mechanisms for determining the demand for enterprise products,
• analyse all the stages of value creation during the reproduction process as well as the elements and determinants of each of these phases,
• analyse factors that influence the business results of a company and the basic principles of economics on the basis of which the success of enterprise is evaluated.
Theoretical training
• Theoretical basis of a company's economics.
• Economic, legal and organizational aspects of enterprises and basic and special types of enterprises.
• Cost Management.
• Market, revenue, profit, competition.
• Productivity.
• The principle of economy.
• Rentability.
• Enterprise Development Strategy.
Practical training
• Problem tasks.
• Seminar papers.
• Discussions.
Комненић, Б., & Кисић, С. (2014). Економика Предузећа. Нови Сад: Алфа-граф.
Покрајчић, Д. (2016). Економика предузећа: принципи и циљеви. Београд: Центар за издавачку делатност Економског факултета.
Lectures along with insisting on student involvement in discussion and critical thinking, case study processing, interactive practice classes, team work.