Course ID 17СА01
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance and Banking
  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Trade and International Business
Number of classes 2+2
Semester 2
Status Optional
The main objective of the course is to enable students to understand the functioning of the agro-complex as well as to be agricultural managers and become familiar with the basic elements of the economics of the agrarian sector that derive from economic theory with the emphasis on application in modern agriculture.
By completing the learning process in the course Agro-Economics, students will be able to:
• define the basic concepts from the domain of agriculture and its specificity and economic theory in modern agribusiness,
• explain the connection between macro-level and micro-level issues with the aim of achieving food security,
• use information from the domain of formation of prices, subsidies, marketing and management of the agro-complex, which are important for the development of the entire economy of Serbia,
• define the concept and goals of agrarian policy and explain the reasons for state intervention in agriculture as well as to name the types and forms of agrarian policy,
• analyse the position and importance of agriculture and rural economy in international integrations,
• collect, use, allocate (un)limited resources as well as to anticipate, plan, organise, manage personnel policy, manage and control agribusiness under the circumstances of dynamic changes in the macro environment.
Theoretical training
• Introductory considerations.
• Agriculture and economic development.
• Different models of agricultural transformation from traditional into modern agriculture.
• Agricultural holdings and rural development.
• Managing agro-economy.
• Agrarian politics and its influence on the possibilities of limitations to agricultural production.
• Management in agriculture.
• Marketing in agriculture.

Practical training
• Case study analyses.
Божић, Д., Богданов, Н., & Шеварлић, М. (2011). Економика пољопривреде. Београд: Пољопривредни факутет.
Влаховић, Б. (2011). Тржиште и маркетинг пољопривредно-прехрамбених производа. Нови Сад: Пољопривредни факултет.
Закић, З., & Стојановић, Ж. (2008). Економика аграра. Београд: Економски факултет.
Јанковић, С. (2009). Европска унија и рурални развој Србије. Београд: Институт за примену науке у пољопривреди.
Lectures and practice classes, class presentation of real-life examples, case studies, debates, writing and class presentations of seminar papers.
Assessment (maximum number of points – 100)
Exam Requirements 55 points Final exam 45 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 45
Ongoing assessment 30 Oral exam  
Class participation 10  
Case  study 10