The aim of this course is to enable students to get acquainted with the legal framework for business operations and business decision making. Students are to acquire the knowledge of basic concepts of law and basic instruments of certain branches of law; business entities and their mutual relationship within the business; Besides acquiring the general concepts students will also acquire systematic practical knowledge necessary for understanding and solving concrete real-life problems in doing business.
On successful completion of the course, students will have acquired the following course-specific skills: thorough knowledge and understanding of the principles of law and justice, and the ability to solve concrete problems due to the ability to integrate the basic knowledge of various fields of law, such as real and obligations law, constitutional law and business law. Students will be able to acquire new knowledge through the reading up-to-date legislative literature. The student acquires and promotes the ability to apply field specific innovations through reading up to date legislative literature.In addition, they will have developed the skills of using acquired knowledge, self-learning ability, the skills to write and analyse case studies.
Theoretical training
• Basic knowledge of law;
• Basic knowledge of the state;
• The concept and types of real rights;
• The concept and sources of contractual relations;
• Changes and termination of obligatory relationships;
• Basic company status issues;
• Partnership and limited partnership;
• A limited liability company;
• Joint-stock company;
• Connecting, reorganizing and terminating companies;
• Contract on the sale of goods traffic;
• Economic servicecontracts;
• Transportation contracts;
• Newer merchandise contracts;
• Principles of banking transactions and securities.
Practical training
• Exercises, preparation and analysis of case studies and other forms of teaching.
Спировић-Јовановић, Л., & Дабић, Л. (2015). Пословно право. Београд: Економски факултет Београд.
Арсић, З., & Марјански, В. (2015). Право привредних друштава, Нови Сад: Правни факултет Нови Сад.
Васиљевић, М. (2014). Трговинско право. Београд: Удружење правника у привреди Републике Србије.
Cox, J. (2012). Business law. Oxford: University Press.
Whole-class interactive teaching, using modern audio-visual equipment.Practice classes include: analysis of the covered materials, analysis of real-life situations, case studies and student seminar papers;extensive and detailed exposure of subject matter, use of case law examples, analysis of relevant regulations governing related matter, interactive teaching, encouraging students to think, self-learning and practical application of acquired knowledge.