Obtaining directly applicable knowledge of discrete mathematical structures relevant to computer science. Ability to learn the development of high abstraction algorithms.
By mastering the content of the course a student will be able to acquire the following course-specific abilities: the competence of abstract description and solving different types of problems, active participation in the creation of a system of high generality and complexity, ability to monitor and apply new mathematical procedures, skills development and eagerness to solve practical problems.
Theoretical training
• Collections, relationships, and functions
• Counting
• Algebraic structures
• Theory of groups, rings and fields
• Combinatorics
• Boolean functions
• Binary Decision Diagrams (BDD)
• Computability, decisiveness and complexity
• Turing machine
• The fundamentals of graph theory
Practical training
Solving tasks
A. Петровић, A. Јовановић, Б. Величковић (2007), Teorija skupova, Математички факултет, Београд
R. Garnier, J. Taylor (2002), Discrete mathematics for new technology, Institute of Physics Publishing
З. Огњеновић (2011), Дискретна математика (скрипта), Математички факултет, Београд