The main objective of the course is to familiarize students with the concept and basics of ecology, sustainable development and importance of applying the principles of sustainable development in tourism. Familiarization with strategic documents in the field of sustainable development and sustainable development in tourism at the local, regional and national level. Defining the basic principles of sustainability in the preparation and writing development documents in the field of sustainable development in tourism.
By mastering the content of the course students will be able to:
• participate equally in the creation of strategic documents in the field of sustainable development in tourism,
• establish a full-fledged team for the implementation of strategic goals and tasks in the field of ecological tourism (eco-tourism),
• identify and determine the factors of eco-tourism development as well as factors that slow down the process of developing a massive form of trends in tourism,
• acquire a conscious responsibility for sustainable resources and ideas on strategic planning and control of tourism development, but on the other hand, the development of increasingly popular ecological tourism.
Theoretical training
• Concepts: sustainable development, ecology, eco-tourism, sustainable tourism.
• Sustainable Development Indicators.
• The determination of ecological capacities in tourism.
• The fundamentals of a sustainable development strategy.
• Sustainable forms of tourism.
• Ecotourism - planning and development.
• Vision, mission, problems and tasks of sustainable tourism development.
• Methodology for developing the Strategy for Sustainable Tourism Development on the example of cities and municipalities.
• The determination of the tasks of the sustainable development in tourism management.
• Monitoring and evaluation of the Strategy for Sustainable Tourism Development implementation.
Practical training
• Practical training includes the acquaintance with the concrete strategies for sustainable development, participation in group discussions and the preparation of seminar papers in the field of sustainable tourism development strategies.
Влада Републике Србије, (2008). Стратегија одрживог развоја. Београд: Службени Гласник.
Милановић, М., Љешевић, М., & Милинчић, М. (2011). Екоменаџмент. Београд: Географски факултет.
Стојановић, В. (2011). Туризам и одрживи развој. Нови Сад: Природно-математички факултет, Департман за географију, туризам и хотелијерство.
Interactive teaching, multimedia presentations, practical training that involves analysing sustainable tourism development strategies through debates and discussions on the process of preparing, acquiring and implementing these documents.