Course objective is to familiarize students with the theoretical and practical aspects of establishing and managing a family business. Family business has a number of specifics (organizational form, financing, accounting, inheritance, risk, insurance) that is necessary to understand if it is desirable to manage the functioning and development of the family company in the long run.
By mastering this course, the student acquires the following subject-specific competences: basic knowledge and understanding of managing family businesses, the ability to solve specific problems in the field of family management, the ability to connect basic knowledge from different economic areas and their application, the ability to develop skills and readiness in using knowledge.
Theoretical training
• Family business, entrepreneur and family. Integration of family members into business. Harmonizing professional and family life;
• Entrepreneurship and family business management;
• Development, choice of organizational form and principles of family business;
• Financing and planning of cash flows;
• Tax planning and rewarding of owners;
• Motivation of employees inside and outside of the family;
• Conflict management. Professionalization;
• Accounting system. Risk and Insurance;
• Phases of development of family companies. Inheritance strategies;
• Managing transfer of ownership and exit strategy.
Practical training
• Сase studies.
Ворд Џ., (2006) Развој породичних компанија, Нови Сад, Адижез МЦ.
Leach R., (1994) The Stoy Hayward Guide to the the Family Business, Cogan Page, London,
Санаа А., (2008) ИФЦ Приручник за управљање породичним фирмама, IFC, Washington (САМ, Београд)
Ђурић Кузмановић Т., (2006) Породично пословање – дефинисање и методологија изучавања, Школа бизниса, бр. 3: 2 – 7
Ђурић Кузмановић Т., (2006) Међузависност родне поделе улога и ресурса у домаћинству и породичном бизнису, Школа бизниса, бр. 4: 2 - 7
Веселиновић Б., (1998) Економика и организација пољопривредних газдинстава, Економски факултет, Суботица
Грбић В., (1997) Теорије сељачке економије и нова аграрна политика, Економски институт, Београд
Leach P., (1994) The Stoy Hayword Guide to the Family Business, Cogan Page, London
Студије случаја и чланци у часописима, књигама и на Интернету
Theoretical training accompanied with sloving practical tasks and case studies.