Course objective is the acquisition of basic theoretical and practical knowledge of the establishment and management of family businesses in socio-economic and business, national, regional and global environments. Family business and management have a number of specificities (gender regimes, care economics, family / household / family business interdependence, time balancing, the involvement and role of family and heirs in family management, budgeting, organizational form, conflicts, motivation, professionalism, financing, inheritance ) and it is necessary to analyze and understand their interconnections if we want to manage the functioning and development of the family business successfully and in the long run.
By mastering this course, students will be able to analyse and explain the functioning of the family (family) and family businesses and their interconnectedness and to recognize and evaluate the changes that occur in contemporary conditions of family life and management of family, partner and female entrepreneurship.
Students will be able to independently identify and solve specific problems in the field of managing family entrepreneurship, to link and apply basic knowledge in different areas in concrete case studies of family (household) and family business management and to develop skills and readiness to use acquired knowledge.
Theoretical training
• Mapping the basic categories and methodology of studying the subject;
• Family and family business. Acquiring and allocating resources;
• Family; partner; female entrepreneurship;
• Integration of family members into business management;
• Development, forms and principles of family business and management;
• Budgeting, financing and tax planning;
• Awarding owners and motivating emplyees;
• Conflict management. Professionalization;
• Managing transfer of ownership and exit strategy.
Practical training
Essays, seminar papers, case studies, practical application exercises and homework assignments.
Kružić, D., & Bulog, I. (2012). Obiteljska poduzeća: životni ciklusi, nasljeđivanje i održivost. Split: Sveučilište u Splitu, Ekonomski fakultet.
Smyrnios, K. X., Poutziouris, P. Z., & Goel, S. (2013). Handbook of Research on Family Business. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Leach, P. (2015). Family Enterprises: The Essentials. London: Profile Books.
Hadžiahmetović, А., Đurić-Kuzmanović, Т., Klatzer, Е., & Risteskа, М.. (2013). Rodno odgovorno budžetiranje, Sarajevo: IKD „University press – Magistrat izdanja“.
Lectures and practice classes, essays, seminar papers, case studies.