Course ID
  • Management
Number of classes
Semester 2
Status Core
While writing a final paper, students should prove that after passing the courses in the specialist studies at the program Management, they have acquired functional knowledge that is necessary for finding right solution of business problems in this field. The goal is for students to demonstrate in written and oral manner that they have mastered the basics of qualitative and quantitative research, that they have acquired the objectives of the program, the required knowledge, and that they have mastered the methods and techniques that are necessary to independently and analytically make optimal business decisions in the field of management.
While writing a final paper, students should demonstrate that, after passing the courses, they have acquired basic functional knowledge in the field of management. By passing the final exam, students should demonstrate that they are competent to generate adequate information and integrate them in order to make concrete proposals for solving practical problems in the field of management.
After taking all the exams prescribed by programme at the specialist studies, students are obliged to prepare and present final paper. During specialist studies, students choose the topic of final paper in agreement with the teacher from the School (mentor). The chosen topic must have concrete significance for carrying out operations in the field of management. Presenting the final paper is public and includes the elaboration of the paper in front of the three-member Committee (mentor, president and member). During the course of the presentation, the candidate presents a written part of the paper, which should contain a theoretical analysis and /or a proposal for the solution of a practical problem related to performing operations in the field of management. After oral presentation, the candidate answers the questions posed by members of the Committee. After the completion of the presentation, the Committee shall award the grade to the candidate.
Discussion of selected topics, analysis of case studies.
Assessment (maximum number of points 100)
Exam Requirements Points 50 Final exam Points 50
other activities  (while working on the paper) 50 Oral exam 50