Course objective is the acquisition of specific knowledge and skills characteristic of managing financial risks, as well as developing students' ability to apply knowledge and skills in practice. The goal is, after the completion of the learning process, that students know how to define and describe the most important types of financial risks encountered by businesses and financial institutions, as well as to describe the basic and advanced methods used to measure and manage them. The goal is that after completing the learning process, students learn to apply advanced models of measurement and management of credit, market, operational and portfolio risks, as well as know how to describe the characteristics of financial derivatives and the procedures for their application in the process of managing financial risks.
Upon completing the learning process within the Financial Risk Management course, students will be able to:
• define the basic types of financial risks to which enterprises and financial institutions are exposed;
• assess the trends in the development of financial derivatives and the impact of their application on the processes of managing financial risks;
• identify financial risks characteristic of international financial operations (foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk, etc.) and analyze their basic elements;
• explain the basic methods of measuring financial risks and compare their characteristics;
• implementation of the basic method of managing financial risks.
Theoretical training
• Basic types of financial risks;
• Methods of measuring financial risks;
• Models of financial risk management;
• Portfolio risk management;
• Managing financial risks through financial derivatives;
Practical training
• Case study analysis;
• Preparation of seminar papers with the application of relevant methods of research work;
• Presentation of seminar papers in order to synthesize the acquired knowledge.
Benninga, S. (2014). Financial modeling. London: MIT Press.
Saunders, A., & Cornett, M., M. (2011). Financial institutions management, a risk management approach. McGraw-Hill international edition.
Богојевић Арсић, В. (2009). Управљање финансијским ризиком. Београд: ФОН.
Ивановић, П. (2009). Управљање ризицима у банкама. Београд: Факултет за банкарство, осигурање и финансије, Београдска банкарска академија.
Lectures and practice classes, case studies, discussions, presentation of examples from professional practice, creation and presentation of seminar papers with obligatory application of relevant research methods.