Course ID 17СА14
  • Finance and Banking
Number of classes 3+3
Semester 6
Status Core
Course objective is the acquisition of specific knowledge and skills characteristic for the field of business of financial stock exchanges. Course objective is that upon completion of the learning process, students know how to define the importance and role of stock exchanges in financial markets, define and describe the characteristics and purpose of basic and derivative securities, find out the difference between the characteristics of the stock and non-stock market operations, define the role of stock exchange indices and anticipate the possible consequences of their movement in a particular market, as well as define mechanisms for protecting investors on the stock market. The goal is for students to acquire functional knowledge and skills which will enable them to perform tasks and make quality decisions and solutions within various segments of the stock exchange operations.
Upon completing the learning process within the subject of the Financial Market, students will be able to:
• define different participants in the stock market;
• recognizes the difference between financial instruments;
• analyze economic news and their impact on stock market movements;
• analyze financial statements;
• analyze the possibilities of protecting investors on the stock market.
Theoretical training
• Futures;
• Historical development and significance of the stock market;
• Stock exchange operations;
• Basic securities;
• Financial derivatives;
• Stockbrokers;
• Financial exchange instruments;
• Non-market operations;
• Listing securities on the stock exchange;
• Stock indices;
• Protection of investors on the stock market;
• Reading the financial statements on the stock exchange.
Practical training
• Case studies analysis, seminar papers, and discussions
Вуњак, Н., & Ковачевић, Љ. (2012). Финансијска тржишта. Суботица: Економски факултет у Суботици.

Шошкић, Д. (2011). Финансијска тржишта и институције. Београд: Економски факултет Универзитета у Београду.

Ерић, Д. (2003). Финансијска тржишта и инструменти, друго измењено и допуњено издање. Београд: Чигоја – штампа.

Mishkin, F. S., & Eakins, S. G. (2005). Finansijske institucije i tržišta. Zagreb: MATE.
Case studies analysis, discussions, real-life examples from professional practice, presentation of seminar papers.
Assessment (maximum number of points 100)
Exam Requirements 65 points Final exam  35 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 35
Ongoing assessment 40 Oral exam  
Class participation 10  
Practice: 10    



Practice classes