Course ID 17СТ19
  • Finance and Banking
Number of classes 3+2
Semester 6
Status Optional
Course objective is the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge of the modern tax system. Students will learn about various tax forms and practical calculation of their tax burden in the Republic of Serbia. Recognize the numerous benefits provided by the tax system of the Republic of Serbia. Diagnose the correctly filled tax return form for those taxes that require it.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
• propose strategic financial decisions related to personal finance of an individual, as well as corporate finances related to a legal entity;
• link tax planning and investment issues;
• monitor and apply the ongoing changes in the tax system of the Republic of Serbia.
Theoretical training
• Modern tax systems - the tax monism and pluralism, tax policy in the EU;
• The general approach to tax - the concept, the elements, the taxpayer, the tax base, the tax rate;
• The economic strength of the taxpayer - tax evasion, tax shifting;
• The concept of property tax - a property tax in the statics and dynamics;
• The concept of the personal income tax - tax payer, the tax base, the tax rate;
• The concept of corporate taxation - income tax, transfer pricing, thin capitalization;
• Taxes on goods and services- single and multiple sales taxes;
• Tax forms in Serbia - property tax, income tax, income tax, value added tax.

Practical training
• Practical examples of calculating the tax burden of various taxes in Serbia;
• Filling tax return exercise.
Rosen, H. S., & Gayer, T. (2011). Javne finansije. Beograd: Ekonomski fakultet u Beogradu.

Wayne, D. (2015). Small Business Tax Deductions Revealed: 29 Tax-Saving Tips You Wish You Knew, (For Self-Employed People Only) (Small Business Tax Tips Book 1). Kindle Edition.

Scholes, M. S., Wolfson M. A., Erickson, M. M., Hanlon, M. L., Maydew E. L. & Shevlin T. J. (2015). Taxes & Business Strategy. Prentice Hall.

Микић, Х. (2007). Финансијска стратегија и планирање пореза. Нови Сад: Висока пословна школа Нови Сад.
Lectures and practice classes with the active participation of students, case studies from professional practice.
Assessment (maximum number of points 100)
Exam Requirements 55 points Final exam 45 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 45
Ongoing assessment 30 Oral exam  
Class participation 10  
Practice: 10