The objective of the course is to consolidate the existing knowledge and expand students’ business vocabulary, and develop all language skills and sociolinguistic strategies necessary for successful oral and written communication in English for business purposes.
Upon completion of the course, the student will have enough linguistic and pragmatic knowledge that will allow them to back uptheir views on business issues, as well as to reject others' proposals with arguments; will be able to communicate in English in a series of various daily business situations; will be able to interpret authentic business texts using dictionaries; possess the ability to read numerical data; will be able to compose and interpret e-mails, business letters and write a detailed CV without difficultes.
Theoretical training
Topics: company organization, human resources; management, international trade and globalization, transport, entrepreneurship, banking, stock market, insurance market, innovations, product and service quality, marketing, ecology, electronic commerce, ethical business, travel and cultural differences;
Grammar: personal and impersonal verb forms, definite and indefinite article, phrasal verbs, idioms, collocations. More complex semantic formulas that appear in communicating in meetings, negotiations, presentations and problem solving situations at work.
Practical training
Analysis of case studies;
Simulation of speech situations.
Cotton, D., Faley, D., & Kent, S. (2011). Market Leader Intermediate, Business English Course Book. Pearson Longman, UK.
Rogers, J. (2011). Market Leader Intermediate, Business English Practice File. UK: Pearson Longman.
Emmerson, P. (2010). Business Grammar Builder.2nd edition. UK: Mackmillan.
Mascull, B. (2010). BusinessVocabulary in Use- Advanced. CUP.
Walker, R., & Harding, K. (2009). Tourism. Oxford English for Careers.
Mckeown, A., & Wright, R. (2011). Professional English in Use, Management. CUP
MacKenzie, I. (2006). Professional English in Use, Finance. CUP
Sweeney, S. (2004). Communicating in Business. UK: Cambridge Professional English.
Видео и аудио материјали који прате уџбеник и образовни материјал доступан на интернету.
Interactive teaching, individual, pair and group work.