Course ID 17СТ13Н
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance and Banking
  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Trade and International Business
Number of classes 2+2
Semester 5
Status Optional
The course is designed to help students master basic comprehension, speaking, reading and writing skills. Students are expected to acquire the necessary business vocabulary with the emphasis on real-life business situations.
On successfully completing the study program, students will have acquired the following course-specific skills (competencies): knowledge at all levels of linguistic structure (phonetics, morphology, syntax and semantics); development of all language skills (reading, listening, writing, speaking), awareness of sociolinguistic and cultural differences, strategic competencies, awareness of the importance of knowledge of linguistic, cultural and situational context for an appropriate choice of language resources; basic forms of written communication, the use of printed dictionaries and dictionaries in electronic form, reading numbers, interpretation of the acquired knowledge and ability to further work independently on language acquisition.
Theoretical training
• Grammatical structures: present; perfect, modal verbs, nouns and compound construction, personal and possessive pronouns, comparison of adjectives, indefinite pronouns, future tense;
• Topics: meeting people; appearances, traits, habits, and feelings of people, home, family and leisure activities, work and business practices, events and personalities of the past, the natural environment, countries and cities,current issues in business texts in German;
• The business vocabulary related to everyday situations;
• Written and oral communication (presentations, resumes, business letters).
Practical training
• Practicing the grammatical structure of the German language through speech situation and the adoption of a particular vocabulary. The development of all language activities (reading, writing, speaking, writing and understanding of audio text);
• Simulation of talks on real-life business topics (pair or group work);
• Case study analysis.
Becker, N., & Braunert, J. (2009). Alltag, Beruf & Co 2, Kursbuch + Arbeitsbuch. Ismaning, Deutschland: Max Hueber Verlag.

Dahmen, K. et all. (2015). Schritte Plus im Beruf. Lesetexte. Aktuelle Texte aus Wirtschaft und Beruf. Ismaning, Deutschland: Max Hueber Verlag.

Becker, N., Braunert, J.& Schlenker, W. (2005). Unternehmen Deutsch Grundkurs, Kursbuch.Stuttgart, Deutschland: Klett Verlag.

Becker, N., & Braunert, J. (2004). Unternehmen Deutsch Grundkurs. Arbeitsbuch. Stuttgart, Deutschland: Klett Verlag.
Interactive teaching. Use of audio-visual equipment.
Assessment (maximum number of points 100)
Exam Requirements 45 points Final exam 55 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 40
Ongoing assessment 30 Oral exam 15
Class participation 10