Course Foreign Trade Operations is aimed at acquiring theoretical, analytical and practical knowledge in the field of foreign trade business, in order to successfully perform primarily foreign trade commodity transactions, which are carried out between residents of different countries. The course teaches business transactions between companies and foreign trade activities of various complexity. Good knowledge of foreign trade is one of the crucial factors in export competitiveness as it speeds up and facilitates foreign trade.
Foreign trade takes place through two basic forms of doing business: regular (free) foreign trade affairs and complex foreign trade affairs; Foreign trade includes trade in goods and services, trade of intellectual property rights and trade through investments that affect the external trade of the country. Each of the mentioned forms of trade is studied in this course, with an emphasis on the study of foreign trade technology on foreign trade operations that monitor the business of regular exports and imports of goods, as well as some of the complex tasks most commonly used in modern trade practices.
The course is oriented towards enabling students to do business in foreign companies. Students will learn about the specifics of foreign trade, functioning and code of practices of international trade institutions. Students will also master the basic principles of negotiation and how to protect the interests of both importers and exporters in foreign trade transactions. In this course, all known forms of complex foreign trade are studied with a focus on most common activities in foreign trade. Finally, the course highlights the importance and application of e-commerce in foreign trade. As a result, students will be trained for conducting specific foreign trade activities (especially exports, imports, cooperation, processing, transit, re-export, technology transfer, direct investment capital, foreign trade payments, etc.)
Theoretical training
Specifics of foreign trade operations, documents in foreign trade transactions, the role of international freight forwarders, rules for the interpretation of international commercial terms (INCOTERMS), World Trade Organization and foreign companies, customs documents, customs duties, billing, international sale contract, customs tariffs and customs procedures,commodity insurance in international transport, the role of commercial banks and payment instruments in foreign trade, remittances and cheques; bank guarantees as insurance against breach of contractual obligations, types of foreign trade, export supply, export prices (fixed and variable), dumping prices, negotiating in foreign trade transactions, export business, import business, international long-term production cooperation, international concessions, international trade jobs, international assembly production, international franchising, re-export transactions, joint ventures, export processing zones (free trade zones), electronic technology and foreign affairs.
Practical training
Case studies, exercises, seminar papers.
Симић, Ј. & Ђурић, Д. (2012). Међународно пословање-технике и облици. Нови Сад: Алфа граф.
Козомара, Ј. (2012). Основе међународног пословања – Спољнотрговинске робне трансакције. Београд: Економски факултети Институт за међународну политику и привреду.
Hill, C. W . L. (2010). International business, 7th Editioн. McGraw-Hill Irwin International Edition.