Course ID 17СА49
  • Trade and International Business
Number of classes 3+2
Semester 4
Status Core
The course International Trade is studied after the course International Economics to which it is complemented and further specializes students in studying concepts related to trade aspects of the international economy. The objective of the course is to acquire basic knowledge in the field of international trade, get acquainted with the most important concepts in the field of international trade, as well as the basic instruments of foreign trade policy: customs and non-customs measures. The aim is for students to master the basic concepts related to international trade practices and concepts from international trade policy in order to prepare for further study of both the trade aspects in foreign trade operations and financial aspects of the international economics.
By mastering the content of the course International Trade, students gain knowledge and competence that will enable them to:
• identify the economic effects that affect national economies involved in the international exchange of goods, services, products of intellectual property, capital, labour and technology,
• recognise the reasons why national economies decide to limit some of these flows,
• explain various foreign trade policies and assess the advantages and disadvantages associated with the implementation of such foreign trade policies,
• identify the main instruments of foreign trade policy, such as customs and non-tariff measures, as well as to analyse their effects on national economies,
• identify the role of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in international trade,
• recognise the most important issues in the negotiations between the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the Republic of Serbia.
Theoretical training
• The concept of international trade.
• Development of international trade.
• International trade entities.
• Theories of international trade; International Markets, International Business.
• International market institutions.
• Foreign trade policy.
• Regional economic integration.
• Multilateral regulation of international trade.
• Serbia in international trade.

Practical training
• Practice tasks.
• Case study analysis.
• Seminar papers.
Бјелић, П. (2011). Међународна трговина. Београд: Економски факултет.

Feenstra, R., & Taylor, A. M. (2011). International Trade. New York: Worth Publishers, Incorporated.

Ћузовић, С., & Соколов-Младеновић, С. (2016). Менаџмент интернационализације трговине. Ниш: Економски факултет.
Lectures, interactive practice classes, consultations, discussions.
Assessment (maximum number of points – 100)
Exam Requirements 65 points Final exam  35 points
Attendance 5 Written exam  
Ongoing assessment 40 Oral exam  
Class participation 10  
Case  study 10