Course objective is the acquisition of theoretical knowledge related to the conceptual definition of investments and investment management, as well as practical knowledge related to the development and implementation of investment projects.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
• analyze the financial flows of investments,
• project the volume and structure of financing,
• evaluate the efficiency of investments,
• compare costs and benefits of investments and proposes strategies related to realization of investment projects.
Theoretical training
• Concept and classification of investments;
• Investment project management;
• Analysis of financial flows of investments;
• Planning the balance sheet and profit and loss account in the investment projects;
• Planning the cash flow, economic life and residual value;
• Planning the volume and structure of financing;
• Methods for evaluating investment efficiency;
• Application of cost-benefit analysis;
• Strategy of realization of investment projects.
Practical training
- Examples of development and evaluation of investment projects.
Малешевић, Е., & Малешевић, Ђ. (2011). Управљање инвестицијама. Суботица: Економски факултет.
Jordan, B., Miller, T., & Dolvin, S. (2012). Fundamentals of investments: valuation and management. New York : Mc Graw-Hill.
Бодие, З., Кане, А., & Маркус, А. (2009). Основи инвестиција. Београд: Дата статус.
Орсаг, С. (2002). Буџетирање капитала: процјена инвестицијских пројеката. Загреб: Масмедиа.
Lectures and practice classes with the active participation of students. Examples of development and evaluation of investment projects. Discussions and seminar papers.