The objective of this course is to enable students who work or will work in insurance and reinsurance business to comprehensively comprehend and understand complex insurance and reinsurance issues. Additional objective is mastering the necessary knowledge and operational techniques necessary for work in this field. By gaining knowledge of the rules and techniques for solving complex problems in insurance business, students will be trained for the direct use of acquired knowledge and skills not only in insurance companies, but also in other companies where certain business risks are transferred to the insurance institution.
By attending this course, students will acquire subject specific competencies: the ability to apply different knowledge in the field of insurance for the successful performance of jobs in insurance companies, intermediary agencies and insurance advocacy groups, follow and apply innovations in the profession, as well as the competence of choosing adequate coverage with regard to the insurance service users.
Theoretical training
• General insurance characteristics;
• Technical organization of insurance;
• Characteristics and types of life insurance;
• Life insurance premium calculation;
• Characteristics and types of non-life insurance;
• Calculation of non-life insurance premiums;
• Conclusion of insurance contracts: sources of rights and insurance documents;
• Insurance technology (insurance acquisition procedure, valuation, liquidation and claims procedure)
• Co-insurance and reinsurance: the importance of determining the maximum self-sustainability, the reinsurance mechanism, the importance of the co-insurance and reinsurance function for business stability;
• Business control: relevant technical result, technical reserves (unearned premiums, claims reserve, risk equalization reserves, mathematical reserve of life insurance, guarantee reserves, reporting.
Practical training
• Сase studies.
Кочовић J., Шулејић П., Ракоњац-Антић Т. (2010) Осигурање, Економски факултет, Центар за издавачку делатност, Београд
Закон о осигурању Сл. гласник РС 55/04.
Hardol D. S., (2000) International Risk and Insurance, An Environ-mental-Managecial Approach, Irwin/Mc Graw-Hill Boston
Rejda E. G., (2008) Principles of Risk Management and Insurance, Pearson Education, Inc. Addison Wesley USA
Folland G. S., (2007) The Economocs of Health and Health Care, Prentice-Hall, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
Rakonjac-Antić T., (2008) Penzijsko i zdravstveno osiguranje, Ekonomski fakultet Beograd
Студије случаја и чланци у часописима, књигама и на Интернету