Course ID 17СА22
  • Trade and International Business
Number of classes 2+2
Semester 4
Status Optional
The main objective of the course is to acquire knowledge that will facilitate the use of market research methods in solving practical economic problems in the business decision-making process. The methods of collecting and using primary and secondary data in market analysis will be introduced. The integration of knowledge from microeconomic analysis and new content acquired through the study of market research discipline will be accomplished.
By mastering the content of the course students will be able to:

• list the main sources of secondary data relevant to market research, interpret the structure of secondary data published within the National Official Statistics and demonstrate the selection of data from the main publications ,
• list the main sources of secondary data published by statistical departments of international organisations and associations,
• demonstrate the selection of data relevant to market research from their serial publications,
• select a sample from the given selection framework, prepare research instruments and implement a sampling method in market research,
• prepare the concept and demonstrate individual interview methods,
• describe the responsibility of researchers towards respondents and clients when collecting primary data,
• unify external and internal data and conclude about the factors influencing market trends,
• describe organizational forms of market research in the company.
Theoretical training

• The concept and definition of market research.
• The role of market research in business decision-making.
• The process of market research.
• The informational basis of market research.
• Market research application.
• Researching the factor of demand.
• Market research organisation.
• Researching the international market.
• Ethics in market research.

Practical training
• The use of secondary external market data. An experimental research of the market for selected products.
Ханић, Х., Вићентић, М. & Ђурица, М. (2010). Истраживање тржишта. Ваљево: Висока пословна школа струковних студија.

Нићин, С. (2014). Истраживање тржишта. Брчко: Европски универзитет Брчко.

Милетић, С. (2010). Истраживање тржишта. Косовска Митровица: Универзитет у Приштини.
Lectures, practice classes, seminars.
Assessment (maximum number of points – 100)
Exam Requirements 55 points Final exam 45 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 45
Ongoing assessment 30 Oral exam  
Class participation 10  
Case  study 10    


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Practice classes