Course ID 17СА34
  • Entrepreneurship
Number of classes 2+2
Semester 3
Status Optional
The main objective of the course Medial Management is to acquire knowledge about the types, activities and organization of media companies. Understanding the functioning of media organisations as manufacturing and production systems and their various internal (employees - managers - management) and external connections (auditorium / audience - market - competition), established inside and outside the organisation. The application of management principles and functions in the work of media organisations.
By mastering the content of the course students will be able to: understand the role of media in improving the business environment and efficient market development and their use in the function of business marketing and marketing tools for various promotional activities. The development of managerial skills and knowledge necessary for efficient and effective management of a media company. Competence for entrepreneurial initiative in the field of broad media industry - television, radio, newspaper, publishing, film, advertising, cable, newsagency industry as well as various forms of independent productions in these areas. In addition, this course enables students to perform various jobs and functions in a wide range of media professions - managerial, editorial, marketing, production, and those that fall within the domain of creative industries, which relate to the creation and innovation of media content.
Theoretical training
The media in the context of media-communication theories and the media environment: the media and the main features of the media process; social dimension of the media: community and communication; the perceptual-psychological dimension of the media; the media technologies and development principles of the media; key reasons for activating the principles and functions of management within the media activity; concept, content and scientific framework of the media management. Media organization in mass communication: types (models) of media organizations (enterprises); functions of media organization (communication, social and economic functions); organizational structure of the media organization; sources of financing of the media organization (economy of the media industry: investors, owners, managers); regulatory framework for the establishment and operation of media enterprises (social conditions of establishment, domestic regulations, European directives and recommendations). Management process in media organizations: in electronic media, in cinematography, in information agencies, in print media, in media conglomerates, in internet and in cable providers. Strategies and tactics of programming media content. Media and market. Ethical and legislative principles of media practice: the media and social responsibility. Media convergence and key aspects of new media.

Practical training
Discussions on a predefined topic. Writing and class presentation of seminar papers, according to the offered list of relevant topics or topics suggested by the students.
Albarran, A. B. (2013). Management of Electronic and Digital Media. Fifth Edition, University of North Texas: WADSWORTH.
Милетић, М. (2016). Основе менаџмента медија. Нови Сад: Филозофски факултет.
Никодијевић, Д. (2015). Менаџмент медија масовних комуникација. Београд: НГ студио.
Радојковић, М., & Милетић, М. (2005). Комуницирање, медији и друштво. Нови Сад: Стилос.
Ратковић Његован, Б. (2008). Новинарство. Нови Сад: Факултет техничких наука.
Method of oral presentation; conversation method (dialog or erothematic); individualized teaching (in all forms of teaching: frontal, group, teaching in pairs, etc.); individual lessons, work with the individuals (seminars, consultations, mentoring).
Assessment (maximum number of points – 100)
Exam Requirements 55 points Final exam 45 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 45
Ongoing assessment 30 Oral exam  
Class participation 10  
Case  study 10