Course objective is to introduce students to the basic concepts of tourism, natural resources and tourism development, with special emphasis on the relationship between the environment and tourism. Students will learn about the role of natural resources in the creation of economic and business development of tourism; the relationship between tourism and the environment; categories of protected areas (legal basis),their evaluation and potential for tourism, renewable energy and energy efficiency.
After successfully mastering the syllabus, students will be able to:
• recognize and understand the importance of natural resources for tourism development,
• generalise the importance of the concept of tourism as an ecological and natural phenomenon,
• identify the potentials and limitations, with regard to relevant legislation and its specific application in the developing tourism activities in protected areas.
Theoretical training
• Tourism development;
• Links between tourism and natural resources;
• Natural resources in the function of tourism (incentive and limiting factors);
• The role of natural resources in planning tourism development;
• Tourism and the environment;
• Determination of ecological capacities in tourism;
• Protected natural assets/areas and tourism;
• Tourist valorization of natural resources;
• The role of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency in tourism.
Practical training
• Practice classes include familiarization with legislation, examples of the relationship of the environment and tourism, different ways of analyzing the role of natural resources in strategic documents, seminar papers on natural resources, constraints and the impact of tourism on the environment.
Максин, М. (2013). Туризам и простор. Београд: Универзитет Сингидунум.
Максин, М., Пуцар, М., Кораћ, М., & Милијић, С. (2013). Менаџмент природних и културних ресурса у туризму. Београд: Универзитет Сингидунум.
Мркша, М. (2008). Туристичка валоризација специјланих резервата природе Војводине. Београд: Српско географско друштво.
Interactive teaching through lectures, multimedia presentations, practical training involving analysis of studies and parts of strategic documents in this area through debate and discussion.