Introduce students to an object-oriented approach to the creation of information systems. Acquiring knowledge of modern programming techniques on the example of a modern programming language that supports the principles of object-oriented programming.
By applying the knowledge acquired in the lectures to practice tasks, students master the methodology, techniques and tools necessary for creating modern business object-oriented programs.
By mastering the contents of this course the student acquires the following competencies: mastering the application of object-oriented programming concepts, solving programming problems of medium complexity independently, equal participation in a team for the development or maintenance of complex business systems.
Theoretical training
• Application of object-oriented methodologies;
• Software tools for object-oriented programming;
• Basic concepts of object programming: inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation;
• Abstract classes and methods;
• Final classes, methods and variables;
• Creating and using a package;
• Implementation of multiple inheritance – interfaces.
Practical training
• Work on computers.
Lemay L., Cadenhead R., (2007) Научите Јаву 6 за 21 дан, Компјутерска библиотека, 5 издање, превод Sams Publishing
Kraus L., (2005) Решени задаци из програмског језика Јава, Београд, Академска мисао
Eckel B., (2006) Thinking in Java, 4 издање, Prentice Hall
Arnold K., Gosling J., Holmes D., (2000) The Java Programming Language, Third Edition, Addison Wesley
Студије случаја и чланци у часописима, књигама и на Интернету