Get to know the purpose, functions, concepts and principles of functions, design and implementation of operating systems. Acquire general, fundamental knowledge applicable to operating systems in general, not just one particular operating system. Learn to understand and use existing systems and design your own specialized ones.
Students will receive the necessary knowledge in the field of system software and will be able to understand the basic concepts of modern operating systems for their more efficient use. Furthermore, students will receive basic practical knowledge for working with Windows and Linux.
Theoretical training
• The concept, purpose and functions of the operating system;
• History and types of OS;
• Basic tasks and functions of the operating system;
• Operating system interface (scripts and system calls);
• Interruptions;
• Security and protection;
• Network environment;
• Distributed operating systems;
• OS Family Windows, UNIX (Linux), Mac OS;
• Directory structure;
• File system structure;
• Important aspects of the OS: interactivity, response time, multitasking, convenience of use, networking and Internet access, protection, reliability.
Practical training
Using and verifying theoretical results on concrete examples.
A.S.Tanenbaum, 2015, Modern Operating Systems, 4/E, Pearson
М. Хајдуковић, 2007, Оперативни системи – проблеми и структура, ФТН, Нови Сад;
Б. Ђорђевић, Д. Плескоњић, Н. Мачек, 2005, Оперативни системи: теорија, пракса и решени задаци, Београд, Микро Књига
Lectures, work in a computer lab, presentations, discussions.