Course ID 17МСА14
  • International Business and Finance
Number of classes 3+3
Semester 4
Status Optional
Course objective is to introduce students with theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the field of organizational behavior. This implies the study of the dynamics of individual behavior of employees in the organization, their interrelationships through interpersonal behavior, as well as the study of the most important phenomena, or variables of organizational behavior and techniques for solving possible problem situations related to this field.
Upon completing this course, the student will be able to understand the importance of individual, group and organizational factors in the model of organizational behavior. By acquiring knowledge in this field, students will know how to adequately solve organizational problems, adequately perceive and react to organizational conflicts, explain the basic mechanisms of motivation, form and manage groups and teams, manage organizational culture, implement organizational changes, bring in and implement organizational decisions.
The student will be able to understand the factors that determine the behavior of employees and the importance of organizational aspects that ensure the efficiency of modern organizations.
Theoretical training
• Concept of organizational behavior, historical overview of discipline, model of organizational behavior;
• Personality and personal characteristics;
• Perception;
• Learning;
• Values and attitudes of employees;
• Motivation of employees;
• Groups and teams;
• Leadership in organization and leadership styles;
• Making decisions in an organization;
• Interpersonal communication in the organization;
• Confronting conflicts in the organization;
• Power and political processes in the organization;
• Organizational culture;
• Organizational change and development;
• Organizational structure and design.
Practical training
• Exercises, independent and group work of students, analysis of examples from practice, seminar papers, oral presentations on a given topic
Петковић, М. (2011). Организационо понашање. Београд: ЦИД Економског факултета у Београду.
Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2010). Оrganizacijsko ponašanje. Zagreb: Mate.
Јанићијевић, Н. (2008). Организационо понашање. Београд: Дата статус.
Lectures and practice classes, case studies, preparing and presenting seminar papers.
Assessment (maximum number of points 100)
Exam Requirements 55 points Final exam 45 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 45
Ongoing assessment 30 Oral exam
Class participation 10    
Practice: 10