Introduction to e-Business provides students with directly applicable knowledge of strategic e-business models, their methods of development and the overview of practical experiences in the developed countries of the world and our country. E-business models, their strategies and methodology based development, as well as examples from current practices are essential for understanding the contemporary and generally accepted ways of doing business efficiently by using information and communication technologies.
By mastering the contents of the course students acquire the following subject-specific skills (competencies): the ability to collect data on a variety of business organizations using the Internet and to create electronic business solutions for a company; the ability to integrate basic knowledge and skills from ICT, Management and Economics; the ability to monitor and implement new business models, strategic settings and experiences in e-business; the ability to develop skills and willingness to solve practical business issues related to the application of e-business in companies; the ability to use information and communication technologies for independent work in collecting data and creating documentation for description of the strategies, models and solutions of electronic business systems.
Theoretical training
• History of electronic business environment development;
• Basic concepts of the internet;
• EDI systems and technology;
• Electronic commerce on the Internet;
• Basic organizational models in electronic commerce;
• Structure of electronic business;
• Setting electronic business strategy;
• Business and organizational e-business models;
• Concepts, techniques and applied technologies;
• System of electronic payment;
• Security and privacy aspects of participants;
• Mobile shop and agents;
• Development of e-business in Serbia;
• Basic concepts of information society.
Practical training
• Case studies.
Laudon K. C., Traver C. G., (2010) E-commerce: Business, Technology, Society, 7th edition, Prentice Hall
Awad E., (2007) Electronic Commerce: From Vision to Fulfillment (3rd ed.), Pearson Prentice Hall
Јошанов Б., (2009) Основи електронског пословања, Висока пословна школа струковних студија, Нови Сад
Студије случаја и чланци у часописима, књигама и на Интернету
Lectures, case studies, discussions, practical work on computers, presentations and seminar papers.