The main course objective is to familiarize students with the basic concepts and categories of entrepreneurial activity in present day economy. Students should be able to apply analytical knowledge and techniques needed for starting a new business enterprise and managing a business during its life cycle. Another objective of the course is to introduce students into the subject-matter of the related disciplines taught in the subsequent years of studies.
After successfully completing this course, the student will be able to:
• understand the challenges of entrepreneurial business in the global economy;
• integrate the knowledge and skills of various fields which can be used in entrepreneurship;
• create a vision for business development and conceive ideas of a future entrepreneurial business;
• quality decision-making with regard to business;
• design optimal business organisation environment;
• they will also be able to react properly to creative destructions, considered to be a new form of paradigm in business;
• they will be able to gear their business towards meeting the client’s existing needs and creating new ones;
• they will be able to combine and allocate available resources so as to achieve better results
Theory teaching
• Business environment and entrepreneurial economy framework;
• Theories of entrepreneurship;
• Entrepreneurs;
• Strategies and tactics of entrepreneurs;
• Innovation in entrepreneurship;
• Entrepreneurial venture;
• Legal framework of entrepreneurship;
• Small and medium-sized enterprises as carriers of economic activity;
• State and Entrepreneurship;
• International Entrepreneurship.
Practical training
• Case studies and real-life examples from the business practice;
• Preparation for a case study assignment.
Пауновић, Б. (2014). Предузетништво и управљање малим предузећем. Београд: Центар за издавачку делатност Економског факултета.
Deakins, D., & Freel, M. (2012). Предузетништво и мале фирме. Београд: Дата статус.
Hisrich, R. D., Peters, M., & Shepherd, D. A. (2011). Poduzetništvo. Zagreb: Mate.
Scarborough, N. M. (2012). Effective small business management: an entrepreneurial approach. Boston: Pearson.
Reuvid, J. (2011). Start up and run your own business. London: Kogan Page
Lectures and seminars (frontal and interactive), case study analysis, synthesis of learned material.