The general aim of the course is to provide students with the knowledge of the basic theoretical concepts relevant for running an organisation and leading people in organisations. A specific aim of the course is to raise students' awareness of the importance organisation has in the contemporary world, particularly in business enterprises. Another specific aim is to develop students' critical thinking for the analysis of the existing organisational structures and the design of new ones.
• Students will acquire knowledge which will enable them to carry out tasks in managing businesses and their employees;
• Students will acquire skills which will enable them to be successful future managers and to understand and make projections about and control the employee’s behaviour and get it shaped and geared towards achieving the organization’s projected goals;
• Students will learn how to manage change and conflict withing organisations; they will also learn the basic techniques and skills of communication, motivation and decision making in various business situations of a business entity.
• Students will be prepared to use new scientific achievements, not only in the field of organisational science but also in fundamental human sciences, such as psychology, sociology, political science, and anthropology.
Theoretical training
• Organisation development - historical perspective;
• Theories of organisation: classical, neoclassical, modern;
• Оrganisation structures;
• Principles of organisational behaviour: organisational behaviour of managers, оrganisational culture, motivation in organisations, power in organisations, groups in organisations, organisational conflicts, types of organisational communication, decision-making, organisational learning;
• Human resources management;
• Оrganisational change and development.
Practical training
Case studies analysis, presentation and analysis of seminar papers.
Сајферт, З., & Павловић, Н. (2014). Организација, друго измењено издање. Суботица: Чикош група.
Петковић М., Јанићијевић Н., & Богићевић-Миликић, Б. (2014). Организација. Београд: ЦИД Економски факултет.
Ivancevich, J. M., Konopaske, R. & Matteson, M. T. (2011). Organizational Behavior and Management, 9th Editon. McGraw-Hill
Ахметагић, Е. (2002). Организација предузећа. Суботица:Чикош холдинг.
Студије случаја и чланци у часописима, књигама и на интернету
Traditional way of teaching with active participation of students, analysing case studies, mid-term test(s) analysis.