The principal objective of Principles of Tourism and Hospitality is to provide students with understanding of the concept oftourism and hospitality industry, its origins and changes it undergoes, and to familiarize them with the keyfeatures and manifestations of current tourism trends in the world and our country. It must also be noted that the goal of this subject is to include, in a logical and coherent way, all fundamental issues relevant to tourism and hotel industry, both from the standpoint of theory and methodology, and from the standpoint of its application in content analysis of the spatial aspects of tourism and hospitality and their various manifestations.
This course aims to make students recognize, accept and learn the basic concepts in the tourism and hospitality industry, define positiveand negative aspects in this field and thus prepares them to apply acquired knowledge while styding other subjects in the field of tourism and hospitality industry. The main objective is to make students learn and understand all aspects, motives and factors that are the main indicators of tourist movement, to recognize, classify, and explain various phenomena in tourism, and to inform them of contemporary developments in the tourism industry through concrete examples so that they can come up with their own ideas. The important aim is to train students for direct observation of phenomena around them, but not only the phenomena that are directly related to tourism, but also the phenomena that are largely economic in nature butare affected by the development of tourism, or affect tourism development themselves.
Theoretical training
• Theoretical basis of tourism;
• Concept and the cause of historical changes in tourism;
• Tourism trends and their classification;
• Fundamental forms of the trends in tourism;
• Travel needs - substance, forms, elements, changes;
• Travel motives - natural, social, receptive, communicative, intermediary, human;
• Information base in tourism - tourist circulation and tourism management;
• Tourism product, experience, satisfaction and marketing;
• Travel space- evaluation, planning, protection, sustainability;
• Contemporary trends in global tourism industry and tourism in Serbia;
• Problems of postmodern theories of tourism;
• Global culture and tourism.
Practical training
• Preparation and presentation of seminar papers.
Чомић, Ђ., Јовић, Г., & Поповић, И. (2008). Основе туризма. Сарајево: Филозофски факултет.
Јанићевић, С. (2008). Услуге у угоститељству са техником услуживања, опремом и инвентаром. Нови Сад; ПМФ.
Косар, Љ. (2015). Хотелијерство 1. Београд: Висока хотелијерска школа.
Косар, Љ. (2013). Хотелијерство 2. Београд: Висока хотелијерска школа.
Lectures, practical work, interactive teaching with the use of audio-visual equipment, analysis of articles and studies taken from relevant journals or the Internet.