The objective of this course is to introduce students with the basic knowledge necessary for project management. The focus is on planning development projects, their preparation and implementation.
The student will be able to use techniques and methods of analyzing the time and cost of using the resources necessary for the realization of the project goals. Also, the student will be able to plan, organize and control project activities so that the project is completed within the time frame and the set budget and quality. With the acquired knowledge, the student is qualified to work on project evaluation tasks in different areas of economic life.
Theoretical training
• Projects - definitions and types;
• Project cycle;
• Financial and economic analysis of the project;
• Identification of costs and benefits;
• Evaluation of costs and benefits;
• Investment criteria;
• Costs and expenses of the project;
• Quality management of the project;
• Project risk management;
• Managing changes in projects;
• Project management methods and techniques;
• Standard computer programs for project management;
• International projects management.
Practical training
• Сase studies
Jovanović P. (2010) Upravljanje projektom, Grafoslog, Bepograd
Đuričin D. (2005) Upravljanje pomoću projekta,Ekonomski fakultet, Beograd
Nouks S. (2005) The Definitive Guide to Project Management,Clio, Beograd
Kerzner H (2000) Project Management- A Systems Approach to Planning, scheduling and Controling, New Jersey
Студије случаја и чланци у часописима, књигама и на Интернету
Theoretical training accompanied with sloving practical tasks and case studies.