The goal of this course is to introduce students to basic psychological concepts, to the basic theoretical and practical knowledge related to the origin, structure and nature of the psychic life of man; prepare students for the application of acquired knowledge in their future work.
Upon the completion of the course a student acquires the following subject- specific skills:
• knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of psychology as a science of mental life of man;
• ability to identiry and study specific problems by using basic scientific methods;
• ability to integrateknowledge about various aspects of mental life of man;
• ability to apply knowledge of psychology in relevant fields.
Theoretical training
• Subject matter, tasks and branches of psychology;
• Research methods and techniques in psychology;
• Basic psychological phenomena - mental processes and traits:
• Observation
• Learning, memory and forgetting;
• Thinking, reasoning and problem solving;
• Intelligence;
• Emotions;
• Motivation;
• Attitudes and values;
• Personality:
• The structure, dynamics and development;
• Personality theory;
• Changes and disorders of social life and behavior.
Practical training
• Сase study
Рот, Н. (2010). Општа психологија. Београд: Завод за уџбенике.
Plotnik, R., & Kouyoumdjian, H. (2013). Introduction to Psychology, 10th Edition. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Хрњица, С. (2005). Општа психологија са психологијом личности. Београд: Научна књига Нова.
Lectures, practical and interactive work (disussions, small group work).