The main objective of the course is to get acquainted with and master basic mathematical and statistical knowledge as a basis for solving business problems in the field of quantitative analysis, decision making theory, decision-making in business, necessary for a modern professional in the field of marketing, management, finance, etc. Gaining knowledge of the model of economic and financial mathematics as a basis for concrete decision-making in business and quantitative analysis in all areas of business.
Referring to logical thinking in order to develop students' ability to apply these methods in economic practice with individual and team problem-solving.
By mastering the content of the course students will gain the basic knowledge and understanding of the discipline of the appropriate profession, the ability to solve concrete problems by using scientific methods and procedures, the ability to connect basic knowledge from different fields and their applications, the ability to monitor and apply novelties in the profession, the ability to develop skills and eagerness in the use of knowledge in the appropriate field, the ability to use information and communication technologies in mastering the knowledge of the appropriate field.
Theoretical training
• Function of a real variable - linear, square, exponential, logarithm
• Differential and integral calculus of a single variable and its application
• Functions of two independent variables
• Models based on functional dependencies (economic functions)
• Models of business mathematics
• Percent account
• Simple interest calculus
• Complex interest calculus
• Loan amortisation
• Empirical distribution indicators
• Parameters evaluation
• Regression and correlation analysis
• Time series analysis
• Relative and index numbers
Practical training
Case studies
Божић, Д., Богданов, Н., & Шеварлић, М. (2011). Економика пољопривреде. Београд: Пољопривредни факутет.
Влаховић, Б. (2011). Тржиште и маркетинг пољопривредно-прехрамбених производа. Нови Сад: Пољопривредни факултет.
Закић, З., & Стојановић, Ж. (2008). Економика аграра. Београд: Економски факултет.
Јанковић, С. (2009). Европска унија и рурални развој Србије. Београд: Институт за примену науке у пољопривреди.
Auditory lectures with the support of modern learning tools and active participation of students. Work on practice classes includes: analysis of the taught teaching material, debates, seminar papers, case studies.