Course objective is to familiarize students with methods for gathering and analysing experiential data, as well as training students for the application of different research procedures, drafting a research project, analysing and interpreting the gathered experiential data.
On the basis of acquired knowledge, students are trained for: independent development of the draft research project, application of different methods for gathering and analysing the experiential data, assessment of the quality of data that will be used in its future job. Apart from the above, course objective is also to enable students to independently use the existing original material and express themselves clearly in written form.
Theoretical training
• Ethical principles of research work;
• Research plan;
• Research and theory;
• Classification and measurement;
• Observation; experiment;
• Research Survey Methods;
• Biographical method, Case method;
• Content analysis;
• Multivariate analysis;
• Functional analysis; historical method;
• Comparative method;
• Quantitative and qualitative in the modern methodology.
Practical training
In practical classes students will, independently or in a group, prepare different instruments for data collection and apply analytical procedures they learned about in theoretical training. In cooperation with the teacher, they will perform independent research work whose results will be presented in the form of seminar paper.
Бо, С., & Вебер, Ф. (2005). Водич кроз теренску анкету. Београд: Завод за уџбенике и наставна средства.
Quinlan, C. (2011). Business Research Methods. Australia: South-Western Cengage Learning.
Pervez, G., & Kjell, G. (2010). Research Methods in Business Studies. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall. Bergh, D. D., & Ketchen, J. D. (2011). Building Methodological Bridges (Research Methodology in Strategy and Management). UK: Emerald.
Милић, В. (1996). Социолошки метод. Београд: Завод за уџбенике.
Lectures and practice classes. Theoretical and practical training will be organized through group and individual work, with the constant encouragement of dialogue and the practical application of acquired knowledge. With the aim of mastering research methods, various technical aids will be used during the course (e.g. video projector, recorder, etc.)