The course objective is introducing students to the definition of financial risk, the ways of measuring and controlling it. Students are expected to master the theoretical and applied knowledge necessary for risk management.
The course objective is introducing students to the definition of financial risk, the ways of measuring and controlling it. Students are expected to master the theoretical and applied knowledge necessary for risk management.
Theoretical training
• Uncertainty and risk;
• Risk management process;
• Identification of risk assessments and measurement;
• Risk management methods;
• Insurance as a risk management method;
• Risk management in insurance companies;
• Risk management in banks.
Practical training
• Сase studies.
Vaughan E, Vaughan T. (2010) Основе осигурања, управљање ризицима (превод), Мате доо, Загреб
Маровић Б., Авдаловић В. (2006) Осигурање и теорија ризика, Београд
Rejda G. E. (2007) Principles of Risk Management and Insurance, Addison Wesley Publishing Company
Bessis J. (1998) Risk Management in Banking, John Wiley & Sons
Козаревић С. (2010) Риск менаџмент и осигурање, Економски факултет Универзитета у Тузли
Вуњак Н., Ћурчић У., Ковачевић Љ. (2008) Корпоративно и инвестиционо банкарство, Економски факултет Суботица
Theoretical training accompanied by case studies and real-life examples from professional practice.