Course ID 17СТ30
  • Entrepreneurship
Number of classes 3+2
Semester 6
Status Core
The aim of the course is to point out the significance of the socio-cultural context that encourages or hinders entrepreneurial activities, to develop among students the ability to interpret and understand the social context within which entrepreneurial action occurs, and to make them aware of the fact that it is the social environment that largely determines the scope and the type of entrepreneurial activity.
Understanding the social structure and processes that shape entrepreneurial activities. The analysis of entrepreneurship at the macro and micro level, comparing entrepreneurial behavior and the attitudes towards entrepreneurship in different economic, political and cultural systems, provides a comprehensive insight into the social aspects of entrepreneurship, enables students to recognize advantages and disadvantages of these systems and directs students to the most desirable design of entrepreneurial activities.
Theoretical training
• Historical overview of entrepreneurial attitudes;
• Methodological aspect in the research of social entrepreneurship;
• Impact of the socio-cultural context on the scope and type of entrepreneurship;
• Entrepreneurship and economic development;
• Impact of the socio-cultural environment on the vision of entrepreneurs;
• Social stratification and social status of entrepreneurs;
• Social identity and entrepreneurship;
• Types of entrepreneurs;
• Social context and target groups (their values, interests, lifestyles);
• Institutional support for entrepreneurial activity;
• Media and entrepreneurial activity; the importance of social networks for entrepreneurial activity.
Practical training
• Simulation of different situations in the domain of entrepreneurial activities: group interviews in which students will take on the role of moderators; visits to companies with the aim of introducing students to the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurial activity through the direct experience with entrepreneurs themselves; seminar papers.
Swedberg, R. (2006). Načela ekonomske sociologije. Zagreb: Zagrebačka škola ekonomije i menadžmenta, Mate.

Adler, P., & Kwon, S. (2002). Social capital: Prospects for a new concept. Academy of Management Review.

Милошевић, Б. (1997). Умеће рада. НовиСад: Филозофски факултет.Одабрана поглавља.
Lectures, individual and group seminar paper presentations; Particular attention will be paid to the simulation of the various situations that entrepreneurs face in their work, as well as the application of the brainstorming approach that encourages the creative solution of a variety of problems. An analysis of relevant empirical research presented in case studies. Different technological aids will be used during teaching: video projector, voice recorder.
Assessment (maximum number of points 100)
Exam Requirements 45 points Final exam 55 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 55
Ongoing assessment 30 Oral exam  
Class participation 10