Course objective is to enable students to acquire knowledge and understanding of the essence of the theory and practice of development of sports and recreational tourism as a special form of tourism, which in recent years experienced an expansion in the global tourism market. Students will gain new insights into the managerial aspects of functioning and exploitation of sports resources for tourism and will be introduced to the planning, organizing and using of natural and anthropogenic recreational resources for the development of sports and recreational tourism.
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to plan, organize and implement sports and recreational tourism program in tourist destinations and demonstrate the ability to solve practical management problems in companies involved in offering sports resources in the tourism market. By relating knowledge from theory and practice, students will develop critical thinking in all phases of management of sports and recreational tourism, and planning for further development and promotion of this form of tourism in certain areas. In addition, students will gain the necessary knowledge and information about the importance and impact of the tourism product in the development of the economy of the entire area of the country. In this way, with the use of previously acquired knowledge, student will be able to come toreasonable conclusions and propose measures for better marketing of sports tourism destination in the foreign tourism market.
Theoretical training
• Concept, importance and role of sports tourism;
• History of the development of sports and recreational tourism;
• Sport and tourism;
• Sports tourism and recreation;
• Selective sports - general characteristics;
• Perspectives of sports and recreational tourism development;
• Natural resources in sports tourism;
• Anthropogenic (built-in) resources in sports tourism;
• Human resources in sports tourism;
• The role of sporting events in the development of tourism;
• Sports-recreational tourism management;
• The economic effects of sports and recreational tourism in the world and in Serbia.
Practical training
• Practice classes;
• Сase studies;
• Seminar papers;
• Fieldwork.
Бaртoлуци, M., & Чавлек, Н. (2007). Tуризaм и спoрт – развојни аспекти. Загреб: Шкoлскa књигa.
Higham, Ј. i dr. (2009). Sport and Tourism: Globalization, mobility and Identity. Amsterdam: Еlsevier.
Плaвшa, J. (2007). Спoртскo-рeкрeaтивни туризaм, Скриптa. Нови Сад: ПMФ.
Нешић, М. (2006). Ресурси у спорту. Логос: Бачка Паланка.
Субoтић, Д. (2005). Принципи мeнaџмeнтa у спoрту и рeкрeaциjи. Цeнтaр зa истрaживaњe, oбуку и рaзвoj људских рeсурсa, Бeoгрaд.
Lectures and practice classes with the active participation of students. The analysis of case studies from the Internet, using audio-visual equipment.