Course objective is the acquisition of specific knowledge and skills characteristic of modern stock exchange operations and securities transactions. Course objective is that upon completion of the learning process, students know how to distinguish the characteristics of developed and developing financial markets, as well as to describe the role of stock markets within these markets. Also, the goal is for students to know how to define, analyze and describe financial instruments traded on the stock market after completing the learning process. In addition, the goal is for students to be able to analyze the process of initial public offering of securities, principles and methods of securites trading, with a special emphasis on the role and significance of the investor and the Central Securities Registry in that process.
Upon completing the learning process within the courseStock Exchange Operations, students will be able to:
• identify and analyze the basic characteristics of financial institutions;
• define the basic characteristics of the financial instruments traded on the stock exchange;
• explain the purpose of the financial instruments traded on the stock exchange;
• define the basis of the regulatory framework for modern stock market operations;
• explain the differences between the importance and the role played by stock markets in developed and developing financial markets.
Theoretical training
• Financial markets and financial intermediaries;
• Financial stock exchanges;
• Financial instruments;
• Principles and methods of securities trading;
• Initial public offer of securities;
• Investors on stock exchanges;
• Central registry;
• Internationalization and globalization;
• Securitization;
• Technical and technological innovation.
Practical training
• Case study analysis;
• Creation and presentation of seminar papers in order to synthesize the acquired knowledge.
Вуњак, М. Н., & Ковачевић, Д. Љ. (2009). Финансијска тржишта и берзе. Суботица: Економски факултет Суботица.
Пауновић, С. Б. (2006). Приватизација акционарство и развој финансијских тржишта. Београд: Савремена администрација.
Јеремић, З. (2012). Финансијска тржишта и финансијски посредници. Београд: Универзитет Сингидунум.
Студије случаја и чланци у часописима, књигама, и на интернету.
Lectures and practice classes, case studies, discussions, presenting examples from professional practice, preparing and presentating of essays and seminar papers.