Course ID 17СА27
  • Tourism and Hospitality
Number of classes 2+2
Semester 4
Status Core
The main objective of the course is for students to be familiarized with the basic economic concepts and categories in tourism as well as with economic, but also all other non-economic effects of tourism trends. Particular attention will be given to the characteristics of tourism as an economic activity and the analysis of the impact of tourism on the development of the entire economy and economy in the country and the world. The impacts of tourism on: GDP and NDP, balance of payments, employment, investment, tourism industry activities and the development of underdeveloped countries and territories and all other indirect impacts will be discussed in detail. The aim of the course is to acquire the necessary knowledge related to the functioning of the tourist market and to identify all the factors that define and run it. The modern tourist market is dynamic, the changes are permanent, both on the foreign market and on the domestic tourist market.Understanding the behavior of tourist demand and the factors that affect it becomes the imperative of survival in the market, therefore such knowledge is an important part of course studying.
By mastering the content of the course successfully students will be able to learn the basic economic concepts which are encountered in doing business of tourism companies and tourism industry in general. Students will be introduced to the multiplicative effects of tourism trends, with all the changes in the complex tourist market, the characteristics of supply and demand by mastering the current issue of tourism economics as one scientific discipline, but naturally along with the ability to connect basic knowledge from several scientific disciplines they have already mastered during their studies, such as management, entrepreneurship, the basis of economics and others. The course gives an overview of the basic directions of the theory of the tourist organization and their genesis and development. Significance was also given to the part in which the conditions and prospects of tourism development in the territory of Serbia are considered. Furthermore, on the basis of theoretical knowledge and practical teaching students will successfully form their own position on the development of tourism and its positive impact on all economic categories at micro- and macro-levels.
Theoretical training
• Theoretical basis of economics and organization of tourism.
• Characteristics of tourism as an economic activity.
• Social and economic importance of tourism.
• Organisation of tourism and the basis of tourism policy.
• Application of Marketing Concept in Tourism.
• Tourism market and its characteristics.
• Characteristics and effects of the development of international tourism in the world.
• Characteristics and effects of tourism development in Serbia.

Practical training
• Analysis of case studies, seminar papers.
Унковић, С., & Зечевић, Б. (2015). Економика туризма. Београд: Центар за издавачку делатност Економског факултета.
Благојевић, С. (2010). Туризам – економска основа и организацијски систем. Нови Сад.
Lectures, practice classes, using modern audio-visual equipment, writing and class presentation of seminar papers, article analysis and case studies analysis from journals and on The Internet.
Assessment (maximum number of points – 100)
Exam Requirements 55 Final exam 45
Attendance 5 Written exam 45
Ongoing assessment 30 Oral exam  
Class participation 10  
Case  study 10