The objective of the course is to familiarize students with modern trends and innovations in the tourism development and with all the consequences that result from these changes. Tourism can affect economic system but there are also spheres which cannot be affected by tourism and which have become key enemies for tourism development. Additionaly, students also need to know about the ongoing changes that cause resource changes in the tourist product cycle. Student will also get acquainted with the current issues and key topics of modern tourism that are indispensable in tourism education studies. Students will learn about the effects of political, economic factors on the development of tourism, as well as many other changes that have arisen during the scientific and technological revolution, or in the natural segments that determine the tourism development. Under the influence of modern changes, some destinations and products have disappeared, and brand new consumer profiles and new tourist products have emerged.
After completing this course, students will be able to recognize all the innovative changes and new trends in tourism business. Upon completion of the course, students will get all necessary information and will successfully solve the current problems that are inevitably created with the new changes. They will define the real state of the product or service on the market, and consequently will be able to recognize the role of the trends, plan and react on time, and in accordance with these changes, to make right decisions and adequate solutions in order to provide survival strategy in the fight against competition. Any internal or external change will inevitably affect the entire business, whether that change is aimed to improve performance or to fully introduce new tourism products. Students will recognize new forms of tourism, new trends that dictate the directions of tourism development and new profiles of tourists, and consequently will be able to direct the development of market activities. By identifying innovations and changing trends in the global market, students will align their further knowledge and education with the market demand.
Theoretical training
• Modern trends in tourism development;
• Trends and innovations;
• Modern tourism product and modern resource base;
• News and main issues of modern tourism;
• Changes in the behavior of tourists;
• Communication and animation in modern tourism business;
• Consequences of global changes on the tourism development;
• Tourism and global social changes (political influence, stability, terrorism);
• Tourism and quality of life;
• Tourism in the future.
Practical training
• Case study analysis, seminar papers, research work, fieldwork, real-life examples form the practice, discussions.
Ђорђевић, А., & Зечевић, Б. (2015). Креирање вредности у туризму. Београд: ЦИД Економског факултета у Београду.
Hannam, K. i dr. (2010). Understanding Tourism. London: SAGE Publications.
Sharpley, R., & Telfer, D.J. (2004) Tourism and Development : Concepts and Issues. Clevedon : Channel view publications.
Томка, Д., & Милошевић, С. (2012). Савремене тенденције у туризму. Нови Сад: ТИМС.
Wall,G., & Mathieson, A. (2006). Tourism, change, impacts and opportunities. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.