Course ID 17МСА02
  • International Business and Finance
Number of classes 2+2
Semester 2
Status Core
Course objective is the acquisition of knowledge in the field of banking business as a pre-requisite for further study of institutions in the financial market. Course objective is also the introduction of financial transactions as well as financial instruments of banking operations in order to enable students to understand the significance and influence of the bank as a financial institution, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of financial market utilization for the purpose of good business policy.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to identify the basic financial instruments necessary for financial transactions, explain their purpose, compare the basic characteristics, assess the trends of growth and development as well as the impact on society and the individual. Students will also be able to propose a selection of adequate methods in banking operations and apply the acquired knowledge in practice.
Theoretical training
• The business policy of the bank;
• Commercial banks and internal financial transactions;
• Financial transaction instruments;
• Payment security instruments in the financial market;
• Payment instruments and mechanisms for electronic transfer of funds;
• Financial transactions and position of banks: balance sheet and profit and loss account;
• International instruments for securing funds;
• Financial structure of business operations.
Practical training
• Case study analysis.practice, real-life examples from the professional practice.
Живковић, А., Станкић, Р., и Маринковић, С. (2012). Банкарско пословање и платни промет. Београд: ЦИД Економског факултета.
Cecchetti, S. G., & Schoenholtz, K. L. (2011). Money, banking, and financial markets. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Smith, R. C., Walter, I., & DeLong, G. (2012). Global Banking. Oxford: University Press.
Rose, P. S., & Hadgins, S. C. (2005). Bankarski menadžment i finansijske usluge. Beograd: Data status.
Пауновић, С. Б. (2006). Приватизација, акционарство и развој финансијских тржишта. Београд: Савремена администрација.
Студије случаја и чланци у часописима, књигама, и на интернету.
Lectures are supported with of modern learning and audio visual aids and active student participation. Lectures, exercises, seminars, round tables, creative workshops.
Assessment (maximum number of points 100)
Exam Requirements 55 points Final exam 45 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 45
Ongoing assessment 30 Oral exam
Class participation 10    
Practice: 10