Course ID 17МСТ02
  • International Business and Finance
Number of classes 3+3
Semester 1
Status Core
The objective of the course is to broaden the existing knowledge of general English language and develop all language skills and strategies necessary for successful oral and written communication in English in a business environment.
Upon completion of the course, the student will master the necessary professional terminology, develop linguistic and pragmatic competence in order to be able to independently and fluently ask for, interpret and provide information from the field of profession orally (direct contact, contact by telephone or via the Internet) or in writing (business letter, email, slides, tables, charts), express his views on professional topics, interpret numerical data, make the presentation and interpret authentic texts from the field of profession with the help of dictionary.
Theoretical training
• Language and pragmatic competence within the following topics/situations: establishment and maintenance of business contacts; cultural diversity; presentations of organizations, products and services; meetings; public discussions; teleconferencing; negotiations; types of financial institutions and products; structure and types of banks; corporate banking; financial regulation.
• The focus is on pragmatic competence and professional terminology, with the revision and expansion of grammar knowledge (article, adjectives, verbs and verb forms, conjunctions and complex sentences), and the enrichment of vocabulary of a general English language necessary for communication in business situations.
Practical training
• Case study, presentations, simulation of business situations.
Powel, M., & Allison, J. (2014). In Company 3.0. Upper-Intermediate. Macmillan.

Rosenberg, M. (2013). English for Banking and Finance 2. Vocational English. Pearson Education.

Tomalin, B. (2012). Key Business Skills. Collins.

Emmerson, P. (2010). Business Grammar Builder, 2nd edition. Mackmillan, UK

Релевантан актуелан материјал са интернета (чланци из новина и часописа, видео записи).
Lectures and practice classes, presentations, case studies.
Assessment (maximum number of points 100)
Exam Requirements 55 points Final exam 45 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 35
Ongoing assessment 30 Oral exam 10
Class participation 10  
Practice: 10    

Practice classes