Course ID 17СА48
  • Entrepreneurship
Number of classes 3+3
Semester 5
Status Core
This course should help students to master the basic techniques of making, implementing and updating a business plan as a guide to a successful business. To understand the purpose of the business plan and to be familiar with the ways of collecting and applying information, measuring progress of the business plan and understanding the reasons for its failure is necessary for all those who wish to take part in independent or corporate entrepreneurial activities.
By completing the learning process in the course Business Plan, students will be able to:
• make themselves thoroughly acquainted with and understand the process of creating a business plan and its implementation,
• adequately manage the process of providing the necessary capital,
• manage the growth and development of enterprises,
• understand the operational implementation of a concept and an idea of a business venture through a business plan,
• self-assess business ideas and ventures and their feasibility,
• analyse economic environment and financial information and to be able to make adequate business decisions.
Theoretical training
• The concept of a business plan.
• The purpose and the scope of a business plan: purpose, scope, usefulness and presentation.
• Three pieces of information needed in order to create a business plan: market information, operational information, financial information.
• The Internet as a resource for creating a business plan.
• Writing and structure of a business plan: title page, contents, summary, the analysis of economic branches and business environment, company description, production or operational plan, marketing plan, organisational plan, risk assessment, financial plan, a business plan's appendix.
• Business plan implementation.
• Measuring a business plan development
• Updating a business plan
• Reasons for a business plan failure

Practical training
• Case study analyses.
Иваниш, М. (2013). Пословни план као инструмент управљања предузећем. Београд: Висока школа за рачуноводство и берзанско пословање.
Пауновић, Б., & Зиповски, Д. (2013). Пословни план: водич за израду. Београд: ЦИД Економски факултет.
Hisrich, R. D., & Peters, M. P. (2001). Entrepreneurship-5ft edition. Richard D. Irwin.
Relevant articles in scientific journals, books and on the Internet.
Lectures with the analysis of examples of economic practice, articles from journals and found on the Internet. Analysis of works of previous generations, practical work on practice classes along with active participation of students.
Assessment (maximum number of points – 100)
Exam Requirements 65 points Final exam 35 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 35
Ongoing assessment 40 Oral exam  
Class participation 10  
Case  study 10