Course ID 16СА83
  • Applied Informatics
Number of classes 3+3
Semester 4
Status Core
The main objective of the course is to acquire knowledge about the concepts and structure of web applications as well as modern Internet technologies, methodologies and tools for their development and application in business. Introducing students to the technologies for developing static and dynamic Web pages, business applications with graphical user interface and criteria for evaluating Web applications.
By mastering the content of the course, students acquire competence that will be reflected primarily in the basic knowledge and understanding of concepts related to modern Internet technologies. In addition, by using the mastered methods they will be able to more efficiently take the advantage of the knowledge gained from other courses offered at the study programmes of the School. By linking these findings, they will be able to engage in a global market competition in a modern and competitive way.
Theoretical training
• Basic concepts: internet, web, internet protocols, services
• Web technologies and their application in online business
• Web application design, architecture and navigation
• The structure of html documents. Hypertext, text styles, graphics and graphic folders, tables, frames, formulas
• Static and dynamic web content
• Integrating audio and video content
• Creating, editing and using cascading styles
• Development strategy of business web applications
• Delivery and maintenance of web applications
• Criteria for the success of web application development
• Web application security

Practical training
Case studies
Niederst J. (2008) Naučite Web dizajn, Vodič kroz (X)HTML, CSS i Web grafiku, Mikro knjiga
McManus S. (2011) Web Design in Easy Steps: 5th Edition, In Easy Steps Limited
MacDonald M. (2011) Creating a Website: The Missing Manual, O’Reilly MediaPatrick J.
Kraynak Ј. (2010) Brilliant Web Design, Prentice Hall
Auditory lectures with the support of modern learning tools and active participation of students. Practice classes include: analysis of the content taught, practical work on computer in small groups and direct application of knowledge, seminar papers, case studies.
Assessment (maximum number of points – 100)
Exam Requirements 65 points Final exam 35 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 15
Ongoing assessment 40 Oral exam 20
Class participation 10  
Case  study 10