Course ID 17СТ15Ф
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Trade and International Business
Number of classes 2+2
Semester 6
Status Optional
The main objective of the course is to become skilled at the simple phrases, expressions and grammatical structures; acquiring the basic business terminology; developing numerical expression skills; training students to participate in simple everyday business communication; training students to translate and write short texts (messages, notifications, advertisements) by using a dictionary; to understand, with the help of context, speakers who speak at a slow pace; training students to use dictionaries, online translation tools and self-learning tools; getting acquainted with French culture and economy.
By mastering the content of the course, students will be able to understand and use simple phrases, terms, grammatical structures and basic business terminology in everyday situations (at the office, at the shop, in/at a hotel, etc.) and speaking on the everyday topics and common experiences (personal and professional information, a place where they live and work, people from personal and professional environment, their work day and business activities); to use dictionaries and contexts in order to translate short general and professional texts and understand simple audio recordings; students will be able to respond in written form to simple questions with minor errors and communicate their basic needs in a professional context; furthermore, students will be able to talk about individual tourist sites and French companies and culture; to use dictionaries, textbooks and internet translation tools and self-learning.
Theoretical training
Content-cognitive competence: France, Franconia, tourist centers, French brands and companies, French films and music.
Language competence. Basic general and business lexis; the most-commonly used daily phrases; the present tense of the regular verbs and the most-commonly used irregular verbs; near future tense; articles (definite, indefinite, partitive); demonstrative and possessive adjectives, gender and number of nouns and adjectives in French; numbers; personal pronouns (stressed and unstressed); question and question words; negation; the basic rules of pronunciation and writing; sensitization to the past tense.

Practical training
Communicative competence. Developing the four language skills (listening, writing, reading, speaking) through basic situations: presenting and meeting other people in a business environment; filling in the form with personal data; calling and answering the call; scheduling meetings; conducting a purchase; hotel reservation; organization of business trips; business conferences; plans for the future.
Practice. The presentation of a tourist destination in France and a French company using the mother tongue (L1) and basic phrases in French.
Tauzin, B., & Dubois, A. (2013). Objectif Express 1 : Le monde professionnel en français. Paris: Hachette FLE Paris.
Penifornis, J., & Oddou, M. (2012). Franç : Débutant 2e édition. Paris :CLE International Paris.
Grégoire, M., & Kostucki, A. (2015). Grammaire progressive du françaisnive audébutant complet. Paris: CLE International Paris.
Escoufier, D., Etcheber, M., & Gomy, C. (2013). ABC DILF A1.1. Paris: CLE International Paris.
Interactive teaching. Independent, pair-work and group work. The use of audio-visual materials. The use of the Internet platforms and
Assessment (maximum number of points – 100)
Exam Requirements 45 points Final exam 55 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 40
Ongoing assessment 30 Oral exam 15
Class participation 10  
Case  study      



Practice classes