Course ID 17СТ10
  • Finance and Banking
Number of classes 3+2
Semester 4
Status Core
The main objective of the course is to acquire specific knowledge and skills characteristic of banking operations and their application in practice. The aim of the course is that after completing the learning process students recognize the differences between different types of financial institutions and financial systems, they can define and describe the basic characteristics of the monetary function of banks, define different forms of deposit potential and bank credit strategies.
In addition, the objective of the course is that students know how to distinguish between the characteristics of credit, interest, investment and off-balance sheet portfolio of a bank, explain the bank's strategic performance in retail operations, and explain the basic characteristics of the balance sheet management strategy and the bank's balance sheet. Finally, the aim of the course is that students, after completing the learning process, are able to define the basic forms of risks to which banks are exposed and to show through examples that they are able to establish a link between the capital and risky assets of the bank (Basel III).
By completing the learning process in the course Banking, students will be able to:
• define different types of financial institutions,
• describe the role and significance of the Central Bank and commercial banks in the financial system of the Republic of Serbia,
• understand the role of banks in the processes of forming the money supply and differentiate mechanisms for regulating the amount of money in circulation,
• define the basic characteristics of deposit potential and credit strategies of a bank,
• describe the basic types of bank operations with the population sector,
• define the basic principles of managing assets and liabilities of banks,
• through examples illustrate the nature and importance of the relationship between capital and risky assets of banks (Basel III).
Theoretical training
• Introduction.
• Banking, non-banking and intermediary financial institutions.
• Comparative banking systems and monetary aggregates.
• The strategy of collecting and placing funds of a bank.
• Strategic performance of a bank in doing business with the population and economy.
• Balance sheet of bank performance.
• Risk management (credit risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk, foreign exchange risk).
• The financial derivatives (forward contracts, futures contracts, option contracts, swaps).

Practical training
• Case study analyses
• Writing and class presentations of seminar papers in order to synthesize previously acquired knowledge.
Вуњак, Н., & Ковачевић, Љ. (2011). Банкарство, банкарски менаџмент. Суботица: Економски факултет Суботица, Интернационални универзитет Травник, „Пролетер“ а.д. Бечеј.
Ђукић, Ђ., Бјелица, В., & Ристић, Ж. (2005). Банкарство. Београд: Економски факултет.
Хаџић, М. (2009). Банкарство. Београд: Универзитет Сингидунум.
Ћировић, М. (2006). Банкарство. Београд: Европски центар за мир и развој Београд.
Lectures, case study and real-life examples analyses, debates, writing and class presentations of seminar papers.
Assessment (maximum number of points – 100)
Exam Requirements 45 points Final exam 55 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 55
Ongoing assessment 30 Oral exam  
Class participation 10  
Case  study