Course ID 17СА17
  • Trade and International Business
Number of classes 2+2
Semester 3
Status Optional
The objective of the course is to acquainte students with the basic elements of the process of communication, forms of communication, prerequisites of successful communication and possible barriers to message decoding and understanding.
By mastering the subject, the student acquires the following subject-specific abilities: thorough understanding and differentiation of concepts of communication, the ability to define, research and solve specific problems using scientific methods and procedures, the ability to identify a practical problem and the ability to use knowledge and skills in the appropriate field.
Theoretical training
• Basic concepts of communication;
• Business communication and factors that influence business communication;
• Verbal communication, oral and written business communication;
• Business conversation;
• Non-verbal communication, categories, dimensions and aspects of non-verbal communication;
• Motivation and emotions in business communication;
• Conflicts and business negotiation, problems arising from interpersonal communication, their resolution;
• Professional burnout;
• Transaction analysis and games;
• Personal adaptation model and business communication;
• Client type.
Practical training
• Case study analysis.
Munter, M., & Hamilton, L. (2013). Guide to Managerial Communication (10th Edition). Prentice Hall.

Joвичић, Д., & Салаи, С. (2011). Пословно комуницирање. Нови Сад: Висока пословна школа струковних студија.

Bovee, C. L., & Thill, Ј. V. (2005). Business Communication Today (8th Edition). Prentice Hall.

Капор Стануловић, Н., & Врговић, П. (2008). Основе комуникологије и пословног комунициранња. Нови Сад: АЛФА ГРАФ – НС.

Марковић, М. (2004). Пословна комуникација. Београд: Clio.

Мандић, Т. (2003). Комуникологија: психологија комуникације. Београд: Clio.
Lectures, interactive practice classes (discussion, small-group work).
Assessment (maximum number of points 100)
Exam Requirements 55 points Final exam 45 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 45
Ongoing assessment 30 Oral exam  
Class participation 10    
Practical work: 10