Course ID ССА40
  • Management
Number of classes 3+2
Semester 1
Status Core
Introducing students with planning as a process management phase. Students will be able tomake clear difference among planning, strategic planning (strategy and investment projects) and operational planning (business plan). In addition to developing general course competencies, the aim is to develop the ability of analytical and independent thinking in the process of planning.
After completing the course the students will acquire the following competencies: basic knowledge and understanding of planning as the primary stage of the management process, the ability to solve concrete problems in the field of business planning, the ability to follow and apply innovations in the field of business planning and the ability to use information communication technologies within the framework of business planning.
Theoretical training
• Planning as a primary phase of the management process: the role of planning in the management process, types of planning, goals, strategies, projects;
• Strategic plan: target markets, product / technology, competitive advantage, investment projects;
• Business plan: types and users of business plan, business plan development process, use of working tables in business plan creation;
• Strategic analysis of the managerial skillsformula;
• A list of harmonized goals (luches): the process of formulating goals using the luc, implementing the luc in the process of strategic management;
• Financial Performance Analysis for Strategic Planning (Techniques and Methods for Financial Performance Assessment, EVA Concept ...)
Practical training
• Сase studies.
Ђуричин Д., Тодоровић Ј., Јаношевић С., (2004) Стратегијски менаџмент, Економски факултет, Београд

Kotler Ph., (2001)Управљање маркетингом: анализа, планирање и контрола, Мате. Poglavlje 5 i 8.

Кнежевић Г., (2009) Анализа финансијских извештаја, Универзитет СИНГИДУНУМ, Београд

Bijana P., (2006) Tradicionalni i savremeni metodi merenja performansi preduzeća, Ekonomski Fakultet, Beograd
Theoretical training accompanied with sloving practical tasks and case studies.
Assessment (maximum number of points 100)
Exam Requirements 70 points Final exam  30 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 30
Ongoing assessment 20 Oral exam  
Class participation 35  
Practice:individual case study making 10    