Course ID 17СТ28
  • Tourism and Hospitality
Number of classes 3+2
Semester 4
Status Core
The main objective of the course Event Management is to acquire knowledge, skills and competence about the basic legitimacy of event management, with special emphasis on the specificities of tourism and hospitality industry. In addition, the objective of the course is to acquire practical knowledge, skills and capabilities for creative event programming, management and event organisation, familiarization with financial aspects of the event as well as quality control of events on the basis of getting acquainted with literature and practice.
By mastering the content of the course students will be able to:
• harmonise and apply the theory, methods and processes of planning and organizing events in tourism and hospitality,
• use the acquired knowledge in the creation of analytical and critical thinking about the basic types and forms of events in the tourism and hospitality,
• develop a critical attitude, communicativeness, creativity and responsibility for their own projects,
• develop the ability to work in team and communication with the immediate and broader social environment,
• measure and estimate the effects of events in tourism and hospitality.
Theoretical training
• Definition of events.
• Determining the role and importance of events in tourism and hospitality.
• Types and forms of events in tourism.
• Motives and needs of the modern guest and their connection with events in tourism.
• Marketing management of events in tourism.
• Planning events in tourism and hospitality.
• Organizing events in tourism and hospitality.
• Management of human potential events in tourism and hospitality.
• Management of events in tourism and hospitality.
• Management control and evaluation of events in tourism and hospitality.
• Methods of measuring the effects of events in tourism and hospitality.
• Measuring and determining the economic effects of events in tourism and hospitality.

Practical training
• Seminar papers.
• Analysis of case studies.
• Field practice through visits to specific tourism and hospitality companies.
Ђукић-Дојчиновић, В. (2005). Културни туризам-менаџмент и развојне стратегије. Београд: КЛИО.

Андрејевић, А., & Грубор, А. (2007), Менаџмент догађаја. Сремска Каменица: Фабус.

Бјељац, Ж. (2010). Туристичке манифестације у Србији. Београд: ГИ ''Јован Цвијић'', САНУ, Посебна издања, књига 82.

Van der Wagen, L. (2008). Event management upravljanje događanjima : za turistička, kulturna, poslovna i sportska događanja. Zagreb: MATE.
Lectures, practice classes, interactive teaching using modern audio-visual equipment, analysis of articles and case studies from journals and the Internet.
Assessment (maximum number of points – 100)
Exam Requirements 55 points Final exam 45 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 45
Ongoing assessment 30 Oral exam  
Class participation 10  
Case  study 10